Drum Parts, Inc. Mission

The ability to maintain and support our manufacturing process over the long term with the cleanest and most efficient ways available in today’s markets when possible.

Sustainability in Business

A large and growing number of manufacturers are realizing substantial financial and environmental benefits from sustainable business practices. Sustainable manufacturing is the creation of manufactured products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. Sustainable manufacturing also enhances employee, community, and product safety.

Drum Parts, Inc. Environmental and Manufacturing Concepts

Drum Parts, Inc. produces products with less energy and material improving efficiency while generating less waste. We understand the use of hazardous materials and its effect on people as well as the environment. Drum Parts focuses on the use of products with positive attributes, as well as implements simple process improvements to larger investments in newer technologies.

Drum Parts, Inc. understands many clean technologies can be used to “green” the manufacturing process and are therefore important to sustainable manufacturing. Clean Technologies are associated with things like environmental protection, assessment, compliance with environmental regulations, pollution control and prevention, waste management, remediation of contaminated property, design and operation of environmental infrastructure, and the provision and delivery of environmental resources.

Making “green products” can be seen as part of Drum Parts, Inc. sustainable manufacturing. A green product can be any product that is designed to reduce its environmental impact. A key concept is that environmental concerns and impacts are taken into account from the beginning of the product design process. This is important because most of a product’s environmental impact is determined in the design phase. Drum Parts uses products that may be made of recycled materials or that can be easily recycled, and made without the use of hazardous materials.

Common Areas of Sustainability in our Business

  • Recycling of recyclable materials; Steel, paper, water, cardboard, etc.
  • Conserve limited resources.
  • Recycle and reuse packaging for our products.
  • Waste that cannot be recycled is minimized as much as possible.
  • Maximize shipping potential to reduce shipping amounts saving fuel.
  • Packaging is designed to be as strong as possible with as little as possible with the most packaged as possible.
  • Manufacture with recycled materials
  • Reduction of energies used in manufacturing – Electricity, gas, water, oils, fuels, etc.
  • Cross training of employee’s to multiple positions to minimize down time during employee lost time.
  • Constant search for the latest in Technology

Drum Parts is a proud member of the Resuable Industrial Packaging Association (RIPA).

RIPA Promotes Safe and Sustainable Design, Manufacturing, Remanufacturing and Reuse for the Industrial Packaging Industry. For nearly three-quarters of a century, the Reusable Industrial Packaging Association (RIPA) has been the trade association representing North American reconditioners, manufacturers, and distributors of reusable industrial packaging. RIPA represents over 90% of the industrial packaging reconditioning industry in North American including many of the world’s leading manufacturers of steel, plastic and fiber drums, as well as intermediate bulk containers. The RIPA membership also includes many of the leading suppliers of packaging parts and accessories. If interested in additional information or the possibility of becoming a member please visit RIPA at http://www.reusablepackaging.org/